Upcoming Elections in Latin America

2018 is set to be an important year for Latin American elections. Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Paraguay will all be holding vital elections.

You can read more about what’s at stake in these elections from Brookings in English: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2018/01/22/whats-at-stake-in-the-2018-latin-american-electoral-marathon/

Or from La Naciรณn is Spanish:

Many of these elections are taking place in countries where the majority of the people are not satisfied with their current administration. One poll measuring instability by Dalia Research shows that 77% of Venezuelans, 56% of Colombians, 72% of Brazilians, and 59% of Mexicans expressed disapproval with their President’s performance in 2017.

Dissatisfaction with the current political system may be one of the reasons that several populist figures have been rising in the polls. OAS must be cautious; ineffective leadership often results in citizens to losing faith in liberal democracy and turning towards strong leaders with authoritarian tendencies.

Ensuring free and fair elections is an immediate problem which will require immediate solutions. Make sure to keep current events in mind when discussing the problems. After all, 2018 has already begun!


  1. Hello! I don't know if we are suppose to respond to these, but I am anyways. My name is Madi, and I will be representing the country of Nicaragua in the debate. The country of Nicaragua agrees with the fact that some people will turn to a strong authoritarian hand if they do not see democratically elected leaders succeeding in their eyes. While this can be an issue, we believe that the international community has to be careful not to politically control a country as each country has their own right to sovereignty. Encouraging, and maybe somehow incentivizing, countries in distress to reach out to other countries or international entities would seem like a strong policy for Nicaragua.


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